Mr. Book just finished The Hidden History Of The War On Voting: Who Stole Your Vote-And How To Get It Back, by Thom Hartmann.

I have read 16 books by Hartmann and gave every one of them, but one, either an A or A+ (only exception got a B+, with one not getting a grade since it was before I started grading everything). This is the fourth of his books to get an A+.

This book was published in 2020.

This book covers the history of voting and why we have the electoral college, gerrymandering, voter suppression, the hijacking of the government by corporations and billionaires, as well as solutions to the problems.

As the book accurately states, “Right-wing billionaires know that if average Americans understood their real agenda, we’d never again elect a Republican. And it’s been that way for a long, long time.” This is why, as Hartmann points out, no Republican since Eisenhower has been able to win the White House without treason or election fraud. They’ve also relied upon lying about their agenda, social issues to use as wedge issues and the corporate funding of their campaigns.

I give this book an A+ and inducted it into the Hall of Fame.

Goodreads requires grades on a 1-5 star system. In my personal conversion system, an A+ equates to 5 stars. (A or A+: 5 stars, B+: 4 stars, B: 3 stars, C: 2 stars, D or F: 1 star).

This review has been posted at Mr. Book’s Book Reviews, and Goodreads.

Mr. Book originally finished reading this on February 25, 2020. He finished rereading it on November 30, 2024.